National Security Education Centre

[China Daily] National security education needed urgently after terrorism glorification

By Junius Ho and Kacee Ting Wong
Published: 22:07, July 20, 2021 | Updated: 10:34, July 21, 2021

It seems that the National Security Law for Hong Kong is too powerful to be challenged by hostile anti-China forces in Hong Kong partly because of its deterrent effect and partly because most of the anti-China political figures are either in prison or in self-imposed exile. But the law is not powerful enough to secure public compliance with its statutory provisions as shown by the reprehensible stunt of some the University of Hong Kong students — glorifying domestic terrorism. It came as a great shock to Hong Kong people that the University of Hong Kong Students’ Union Council passed a motion lauding the “sacrifice” of the lone-wolf terrorist who stabbed a police officer before killing himself in Causeway Bay on July 1. Later they apologized. But the apology seemed to lack genuine remorse. Police are now investigating whether the group advocated or incited terrorism under Article 27 of the National Security Law.

Compliance, which is a kind of voluntary law-abiding behavior, is concerned with the influence of what people regard as just and moral as opposed to what is in their self-interest. Contrary to the norms of public decency and morality, the HKUSU Council tried to portray the lone-wolf terrorist in a virtuous light and said it was grateful to him for his “sacrifice”. A question might arise as to whether the members of the council view compliance with the National Security Law as moral and just. Judging from their conduct, they do not intend to voluntarily assume the obligation to comply with the National Security Law. Nor do they understand that safeguarding national security is in the best interest of Hong Kong.










《47人參與違法初選 涉嫌觸犯國安法》

逾50名反對派人士,涉嫌上年7月份參與由戴耀廷籌備的違法初選活動,意圖干預立法會選舉結果及推翻政府,【IPLSA國家安全教育中心】負責人 何君堯議員解說47人如何涉嫌違反國安法。


註:立法會議員 何君堯律師為【國際公益法律服務協會】創辦人。







何君堯 立法會議員 在疫情仍未明朗化,香港經濟復蘇仍然荊棘滿途之下,確保香港局勢穩定,解決社會的深層次矛盾尤為重要。為此,香港首個「國家安全教育中心」正在緊鑼密鼓的籌備當中,預計將於本月正式啟動,中心將會着力推動香港司法改革、推動《基本法》第23條立法,加強國家安全教育。目的是加強民間與政府的協作,全面保障國家安全,為香港的繁榮穩定和長治久安出一份力。 推動23條立法工作 《中華人民共和國香港特別行政區維護國家安全法》第七條規定,香港特別行政區應當儘早完成香港特別行政區基本法規定的維護國家安全立法,完善相關法律。而如今距離國安法生效已經有7個月,23條立法工作依然陷入停滯,特區政府有責任儘早開展相關工作。而國家安全教育中心的工作也在於此。 事實上,國安法祗是一個開始,並非替代性立法,其針對的是分裂國家、顛覆政權、恐怖活動及勾結外部勢力四項危害國家安全的罪行,香港仍有完成香港基本法第23條本地立法的需要,這也是特別行政區必須履行的憲制義務。 為此,政府要一氣呵成去做,國家安全教育中心成立後,將致力於發揮民間力量,繼續加深市民對《基本法》第二十三條和國家憲法的認識,協助政府進行未能推動的工作。